Sunday, December 14, 2008


Norman Fernandez Inc and its partner Konsortium Mahligai (KOMA) today announced its intention to build a multi million Ringgit project, Castle In The Sky. Norman Fernandez Inc. CEO said at a news briefing today, that they too wish to join the bandwagon like many others before them who had inked Memorandums of Understandings to launch various meglomania projects in Iskandar Development Region (IDR).

“We and our partner KOMA who we will have to first revive it from its present state hope to sign a Memorandum Of Understanding with the relevant authorities soon.” “If others can sign Memorandum of Understandings so can we” said Norman Fernandez Inc spokesperson.

While refusing to divulge more on the Castle In The Sky project, Norman Fernandez Inc’s spokesman said that the idea to build a castle in the sky came when Norman Fernandez Inc’s CEO was playing the diggridoo in an Australian aboriginal camp site, chewed some gum leaves and looked up the night sky. Voila ! rest was history. Norman Fernandez Inc spokesperson nevertheless showed the press corp a mock-up of the Castle In The Sky made from Lego bricks which he had earlier in the morning borrowed from his daughter. “When the Castle In The Sky project is fully completed, people will look up the sky and if they can spot our castle, they can gawk in awe at the castle in the air and hopefully they too can then dream of building their own castles in the sky.” “ Our message is that we all can build castles in the air”.” In any event the sky is the only place left for us to build our dream homes”. Almost every Bukits have all been taken over by developers” “Hopefully all those who see our castle won’t build their castles in IDR. Can’t afford a Bukit Antarabangsa type incident.” Really, our castle is going to be a sight to behold in the sky, at least until the haze from Indonesia temporarily envelops it” said Norman Fernandez Inc. spokesperson.

The ambitious project in keeping with the stature of all other prestigious projects in IDR is expected to cost millions, and despite the present credit crunch, Norman Fernandez Inc spokesperson said that the company do not anticipate any financial problems since the company has already stockpilled wads of Zimbabweans million and billion dollar notes at an old white owned catttle farm near Bulawayo. “Our main problem is shipping the money in the crates here safely without our ship being seized by the Somalian pirates”.

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