Advertisements offering loans put up by unlicensed money lenders placed on signboards, utility poles and even road signs has now become a normal thing in the city.
Previously, the relevant authorities use to claim that they are unable to do anything to locate the culprits as they usually used pre-paid phone cards. Now that all pre-paid phones have to be registered and it is easier to identify the user, what now is the authorities excuse?
[Photo location : Taman Tampoi Indah]
Previously, the relevant authorities use to claim that they are unable to do anything to locate the culprits as they usually used pre-paid phone cards. Now that all pre-paid phones have to be registered and it is easier to identify the user, what now is the authorities excuse?
[Photo location : Taman Tampoi Indah]
In addition to the article , also note that MPJB will summon those who have paid for the advertising licences but permit expired one or two days . So is it not better to advertise illegally , so that they will take no action?
Dr.Balachandra Nair
Also, residents in MBJB area should realise that they have been robbed by the MPJB local government on the “Cukai Pintu" Assessment for the past 13 years !! Residents in MBJB are supposed to have new assessment for rating purposes in year 2000. The last assessment for rating was done in 1995. In accordance with section 141-142 of the Local Government Act, 1976, we are supposed to have new fresh assessment every 5 years. But MBJB & state govenment keep postphoning the reassessment because it would mean lower revenue for them for the mess they have created after the financial crisis of 1997. That is another story on Malaysia Boleh for authority to contravene the law...
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